Greetings one and all! Welcome to the home page!

I bought this domain name from GoDaddy several years ago with the intention of putting up a full website - with a blog, photo galleries and more. But as the months (and years) passed I came to the sad realisation that I wouldn't have time to build the site I wanted for quite a while. So I set up the domain to divert to my MySpace profile, and then later to my Twitter profile, with the intention of building my own site eventually.

Recently I've rethought this strategy. We've all seen the rise of Web 2.0 and social networking over the past few years, and most of us have at least one (if not several) online profiles these days. As a result, it's become kind of redundant to have your own dedicated website - unless you've got a specific product to sell or message to spread. So I've decided that it's not really necessary to put a site up here after all. If you want to contact me or know more about me, the links on the right will take you to my various homes in cyberspace. Some of these are pretty neglected (e.g. MySpace) but others get updated regularly (e.g. Twitter).

That said, seeing as though I own the domain name I figured I should at least put up a home page if nothing else. And here it is!

Hmmm, I guess I should probably put in a few lines about me now, seeing as though you've made the effort to visit my site... Let's keep this simple, here's a bullet-point list:

If you're wondering why my email address isn't listed here, it's because I get plenty of spam already. If you need to email me, you've probably got my email address already. If you don't, you can find it pretty easily online - but not here.